6oz Pond Underlayment – 12′ x 100′
- 12′ x 100′ of 6oz Underlayment
- Nonwoven Geotextile
- Great for under your rubber to protect it
- Great for on top of rubber under big rocks
Heavy duty 6 ounce nonwoven geotextile underlayment. We always use this underlayment under our rubber. For the cost, you really can't go wrong laying this down to protect your rubber. Sharp rocks and sticks could potentially damage rubber. We lay this down prior to setting our rubber and we might double or triple it up if we are setting on top of rock. We also use this underlayment on top of our rubber at times to protect the rubber from big rocks that we set on top. It cuts with a utility knife, but dulls the blades quickly, so make sure you have extras.
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