Hardy Wisconsin Aquatic Plants


  • Assortment of 12 bare root aquatic plants mailed to your door
  • Some of our favorite plants for the edges of our ponds
  • 4 types out of this list:
    • Acorus americanus (Sweet Flag)
      Carex crinita (Fringed Sedge)
      Carex lupulina (Hop Sedge)
      Carex lurida (Shallow Sedge)
      Carex scoparia (Broom Sedge)
      Carex stipata (Awlfruit Sedge)
      Carex stricta (Upright Sedge)
      Carex vulpinoidea (Fox Sedge)
      Iris versicolor (Harlequin Blueflag)
      Juncus effusus (Soft Rush)
      Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower)
      Schoenoplectus pungens (Three-square)
      Scirpus atrovirens (Green Bullrush)
      Scirpus cyperinus (Wool Grass)
      Peltandra virginica (Arrow Arum)
      Pontederia cordata (Pickerel Weed)
      Sagittaria latifolia (Broad-Leaf Arrowhead)
      Saururus cernuus (Lizard Tail)

Aquatic plants are one of the most important aspects of maintaining a simple pond.  The more pretty aquatic plants we have in our ponds, the less algae we will have.  My advice is to plant these directly into your your pond without any pots.  Just use small rocks to create planting pockets.  The rocks and gravel help to protect your liner and give the roots something to grab onto.  Pretty and functional.

This is an assortment of marginal aquatic plants that are hardy in Wisconsin (Zone 5). These are the plants that we use in our wetland filters and eco-system ponds.  You will receive a total of 12 plants of 4 different types. The mix will depend on what we have in stock at the time. The type of plants that you receive will vary depending on season.


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