Tsurumi LB-480 Pump


  • This is a typical pond clean out pump that we would use for the majority of our pond clean outs.
  • You can hook up the hose, toss it into the pond, plug it in and not worry about it.
  • You will need to clean leaves, plant debris and algae from the screen from time to time during your clean out when you notice the flow has slowed down.
  • You can let this run all day and not worry about water level.
  • Maybe twice a year a pump like this will get a clog and need to be disassembled to clean it.
  • Disassembly takes about ten minutes and one wrench.
  • Very durable and easy to use.
  • Cord Length (ft):32
  • Warranty:2 years
  • HP:2/3
  • Volts:110
  • Discharge:2″
  • Max Amps:6.1
  • Weight 27 lbs
  • 3360gph @ 10′ head

The LB-series is a submersible single-phase portable drainage pump. Though it is a single-phase unit, the pump has the durability equivalent to three-phase drainage pumps, since the wear parts are made of abrasion-resistant materials. The top discharge, flow-thru design provides maximum motor cooling efficiency allowing continuous operation at low water levels and extended dry-run capability. Every LB model is slim design enough to be accommodated in an 8-inch pipe. The discharge direction is selectable between vertical and inclined, which prevents folding or bending of the discharge hose.*


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