All Natural, Organic Wisconsin Barley Straw Bale – 50 oz. Treats 5,000 – 20,000 gallons


  • One all natural, fully biodegradable, burlap bag stuffed with all natural Wisconsin barley straw. This barley straw for ponds is packed by hand and is very earth friendly.
  • This bale of straw measures approximately 19″ x 12″, weighs approximately 50 ounces and will effectively treat up to 20,000 gallons of pond water, but you can never over-treat with all natural barley for ponds, so feel free to add more.
  • By placing these bales of straw in your pond you will be choosing the safe and natural way to keep your pond water clean and clear year-round. Don’t be fooled by other industrial packed barley in plastic mesh bags, barley straw extract, or barley straw pellets which are all made in factories, these bulk barley bales for ponds are harvested in Wisconsin and packed by hand in Wisconsin. These are as natural as it gets!
  • Barley straw bales are nature’s way to help keep clean and clear pond water. Add barley to the pond in early spring and replace it or add to it after four to six months. When following mother nature’s way to treat your pond water, you need to have patience, this all natural barley pond clarifier won’t start to work until it begins to decay.
  • Each bale treats up to 20,000 gallons. You can never have too much barley in your pond. Simply float in the water, sink it to the bottom or bury it in the waterfall box or wetland. As long as the barley is decomposing, it is working. We use this exact barley in all of our ponds.


This is one fully stuffed, hand-packed, organic barley bale.  We buy our barley from a certified organic barley grower right here in Janesville Wisconsin.  We then hand pack the barley into fully biodegradable burlap bags.  We have been using these burlap bags for many years in our pond business and we know that you will be fully satisfied with our barley bales, just like all of our clients.

These Barley Bales are larger and should be used on slightly larger ponds.  These bales will not fit into a waterfall box unless you 've got a really big box like the Aquascape Grande.  You can use these in a wetland filter, but we would usually install multiple 16oz bales instead, simply because they are easier to bury and they can be spread out more.  Like any barley bale, these can be placed under your waterfall, or near the side of your pond.  You want them to be submerged, so that you don't see them, but the more water and oxygen that flows through them, the better.  You don't want them to sink any deeper than three feet down in a large pond. Without sufficient oxygen, they will not decompose properly.  They can also be buried directly in the rocks and gravel at the bottom of your pond, or the bags can be stuffed with some rocks so that they sink to the bottom on their own.  The more water that flows through the bales, the better.

Barley is all natural, so you can never add too much barley.


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